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90-Day Money Back Guarantee


At INVIGOR8, we are confident in our products and committed to providing our customers with the most advanced superfood shakes and weight-loss supplements on the market. We want you to be 100% happy with the products you buy from us.

With our 100% No-Hassle, Money-Back Guarantee*, returns are as easy as 1-2-3:

1. PACK your first order of any product purchased from BRL along with your name and RMA number. Please contact us via email or phone for your RMA number.

2. SHIP the product postmarked within 90 days of original purchase date to:

Biomedical Research Laboratories, LLC
2636 S Wilson St
Suite 104 – F2
Tempe, AZ 85282

3. GET YOUR REFUND in 1-2 weeks.†

NOTE: BRL does not refund shipping or postage costs.

Shipping Damage

Please email us to report an item that arrived damaged. When an item is damaged during shipping, please keep all shipping materials for inspection by the shipping agent.

Subscribe & Save Cancellations

Unless you contact our customer care department in advance of your next scheduled shipment date to cancel Subscribe & Save orders, the product will be shipped to you as scheduled and you will continue to be billed at the recurring order price.  

You can cancel upcoming orders from your customer dashboard up to one day before your order is set to renew by logging into your account, or by contacting us at or calling 800-958-3392 Mon-Fri, 9 am-7 pm EST. (Phone or email cancellation requests made outside our normal business hours must be received at least three days in advance of your subscription renewal date.)

You will be responsible for any charges, billing or shipments that have already been processed, shipped to you or that have been delivered at the time of your cancellation.

All cancellation requests made by phone or email will receive an RMA number and an email stating that your subscription has been canceled. Please keep this number for your records. Any future discrepancies resulting from not having a RMA number will be resolved at our discretion.

* The 100% guarantee does not apply to distributor or reseller volume purchases. Refund requests on purchases made via third-party affiliates must be directed to the appropriate retailer.
† Refunds processed through credit card transactions may take 5-7 business days to post to a bank statement, as this is dependent on the financial institution and not on BRL's merchant provider.