Bored? Try These Running Mashups

September 19, 2016 2 min read

 Woman running in sand dunes

Perhaps you are tired of waking up in the morning, popping down your running supplements and going for just a boring old run. Maybe you’re looking to spice up your training or get an edge on the competition. Well you are in luck, because in this post we suggest some fun and exciting ways to spice up your training that likely are not found in a conventional training plan.

Unconventional Running Techniques

Sand Running

There are many different workouts you can do in the sand. One simple one is to mark off a distance of about 200 meters and do a set number of repeats with a short break in between each. It is also wise to time yourself so you can try and better your time at your next workout.

Running Downhill

Another great workout to improve leg turnover is running on slight downhill grades. For this one it is best to use a distance of at least 100 meters. Gradually increase your pace until you are running at or even faster than your 100-meter race pace. This workout is great for adjusting to higher rotation speeds so that when someone starts to push in a race you will be able to throttle up.

Ankle Weights and Bike Pulls

If you are looking to build strength, two great workouts are running with ankle weights or pulling a bike. The ankle weights are pretty self explanatory. If you would like to try the bike-pulling workout then you will need to find a friend who is willing to assist you with your training. Tie a 6-foot rope to a bike and then tie it to a belt. Next you just put on the belt and run. In order for the workout to be of benefit, make sure to never allow any slack in the rope.

Tire Pulls

Another great workout is to attach a harness and run pulling a tire to simulate running in hilly areas. Typically, this is a great training for runners in flat areas. Start with a small tire and build up to a larger one.

These are just a few examples of unconventional workouts that you can use to make you an all-around better runner. Keep your eyes open and use your imagination, because you never know when you will come across a new technique to incorporate into your training.

Most importantly, have fun!

About the Author

 Debbi Carroll
Debbi Carroll

The INVIGOR8 Weight-Loss Family

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