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Get a Lift With Kettlebells

by Ana Reisdorf, MS, RD March 08, 2016 2 min read

 women in gym with kettlebell

Kettlebells are a convenient way to work out and are very versatile as well. Kettlebell exercises can be done almost anywhere, and their intensity level requires less workout time while burning more calories than standard workouts.

Benefits of Kettlebell Workouts

Improving Functional Movement

By improving your functional movement, you will perform your daily activities with greater ease. This could be such things as carrying a heavy grocery bag, lifting a gallon of milk or carrying heavy luggage.

Activate More Muscles

Kettlebell workouts don't use "cheating" movements that rely on momentum, since using the kettlebell requires muscle control. Doing kettlebell workouts activates both your stabilizer muscles (including abs) as well as your main muscles (such as your legs and buttocks).

Burn Fat Faster

According to the American Council on Exercise, an average person can burn 400 calories within 20 minutes by doing kettlebell exercises. This will help burn through your stored fat a lot quicker than other workouts.

Improve Your Strength

Kettlebell swings will improve your strength throughout your legs, buttocks and arms.

Improve Your Posture

Since your body utilize many muscle groups at once while lifting a kettlebell, your abdominals must be activated to stabilize all body movements. By performing kettlebell workouts with proper form, you will improve your posture as well.

Kettlebell Weight Exercises

Kettlebell Deadlift – These are good for correcting your posture and will help firm your butt. They also help work your leg muscles.

Turkish Get Up – The turkish get up is one of the best functional exercises you can do, since it works all the muscles in your body.

Kettlebell Squat – The kettlebell squat will target your glutes and help develop your leg strength.

Kettlebell Windmill – The kettlebell windmill will improve your stability, mobility and strength. It will work your core, shoulders, hamstrings and glutes.

Kettlebell Squat and Swing – This is a classic kettlebell exercise and will help develop your back and shoulders as well as your midsection.

About the Author

 Ana Reisdorf, MS, RD
Ana Reisdorf, MS, RD

Ana Reisdorf has 12 years of experience as a registered dietitian. She has a passion for creating health and nutrition content. She is the author of two books, the “Lupus Cookbook” and “The Anti-inflammatory Diet One-Pot Meals.” Find her at

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