Stop Junk Food & Sugar Cravings

February 26, 2017 2 min read

 woman staring at a cupcake

If you’re trying to eat healthy and stay fit but are constantly experiencing setbacks because of junk food and sugar cravings, don’t be discouraged! By following some tips for eliminating your cravings, you can get your diet back in check and achieve your fitness goals.

Why Is Junk Food So Addictive?

There are many reasons why we crave junk food, including the artificial flavoring contained in some processed snacks; however, the main culprit is their high sugar content. When you eat foods rich in sugars or carbohydrates (which are converted to blood sugar), your blood sugar levels rise dramatically. This causes the release of insulin, a hormone that tells the body to stop burning its fat stores and to instead absorb fatty acids and glucose in the blood and turn them into more body fat. It also causes an artificial high from the release of serotonin, resulting in a loss of self-control and subsequent craving for more unhealthy, high-calorie foods.

Eating too many processed foods those high in sugar can burden blood sugar levels, heart health, and weight. If you want to live a healthy life, you will need to remove these foods from your diet.

Here are 5 tips to help you stop craving junk food and sugar:

  1. Get rid of junk food: You probably know which foods are most responsible for your cravings; start by removing these from your diet first. Gradually remove all junk food from your cupboards; if you don’t have them in your house you are less likely to eat them.
  2. Replace junk foods with healthy options: Instead of starving yourself, combat your junk food addiction with healthy options, including fruits and nuts.
  3. Eat lean protein: By eating lean proteins you will keep yourself full for longer periods of time, helping to avoid cravings. Good sources of lean protein include chicken tenders and breast, turkey breast, lean pork chops and tuna.
  4. Drink water: Often the body cannot tell the difference between dehydration and hunger. If you are craving junk food, drinking water can help you get through until your next meal.
  5. Check your stress levels: People often turn to junk food as a form of comfort when they are stressed. If you find that you are constantly craving junk food  then perhaps you need to find ways to cope with stress. Breathing exercises, meditation or getting a massage are all healthy, natural ways to reduce feelings of unease.

About the Author

 Debbi Carroll
Debbi Carroll

The INVIGOR8 Weight-Loss Family

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