5 Golden Rules For Clean Eating

by Ana Reisdorf, MS, RD October 06, 2014 2 min read

 Couple cooking healthy food in kitchen

One of the best things that you can do for your mind, body and soul is to embrace a clean-eating lifestyle. The problem is, many of us don’t really know what eating clean actually means. In reality, it is much easier to eat clean than most of us realize; all it takes is a little persistence and awareness, and you too will be able to eat clean, feel great and look amazing!

5 Clean Eating Rules

    1. Pay attention to water intake. Drinking adequate water is paramount to clean eating. Water should be consumed at every single meal, and then some. Drinking a lot of water can actually alleviate hunger pangs. Try this experiment: Next time you have a craving, drink a full glass of water instead. You will notice that your craving has diminished significantly, if not been completely.
    2. Cut out processed foods. Processed foods are a threat to our health and our diets in general; they lack nutrition and contain harmful ingredients. If you are interested in consuming a clean diet, do yourself a favor and eliminate processed foods. Shop the outside isles of the grocery store and stay away from the temptation in the center isles, where most of the processed foods lurk. Clean eating can include foods like fresh produce, whole-grain baked goods, meat and dairy.
    3. Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are extremely nutritious, and necessary for anyone following a clean diet. Incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet is not as difficult as it sounds. The secret is to eat them in addition to your regular meals. Try to eat at least two fruits or vegetables at every single meal; not only will you be eating clean, but you will start to notice that you are feeling better as well.
    4. Don’t focus on calorie count in clean eating. One of the biggest mistakes people make when switching to a clean diet is focusing too much on calorie or fat count. The reality is that calories and fats don’t matter as much as one might assume. Foods such as avocados and nuts are extremely healthy, but they are also high in fat and calories. Nevertheless, if you stick to foods that are known to be healthy and natural, you will have nothing to worry about when it comes to calories.
    5. Eat slowly, happily, and in good faith. Enjoying eating is just as important as eating clean. Strive to make eating a joyful experience. You are nourishing your body and feeding your soul, so you should always try to be in a positive state of mind when eating. Calmness and balance are vital to any clean eating lifestyle.
    6. Green tea is excellent for health and losing weight and if found in our appetite suppressant.

About the Author

 Ana Reisdorf, MS, RD
Ana Reisdorf, MS, RD

Ana Reisdorf has 12 years of experience as a registered dietitian. She has a passion for creating health and nutrition content. She is the author of two books, the “Lupus Cookbook” and “The Anti-inflammatory Diet One-Pot Meals.” Find her at anareisdorf.com.

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