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7 Tips for Creating a Balanced Diet

by Mara Welty August 27, 2024 5 min read

 7 Tips for Creating a Balanced Diet

Growing up, it’s likely that you were inundated with images of the food pyramid: At the bottom — the largest section — sat grains, such as bread, crackers and pasta. Above, split into two sections, the fruits and vegetables, with animal products — like milk, meat, fish and eggs — above that. At the very top — in the smallest section — were fats, oils, salts and sugars, which the pyramid recommended to avoid when possible. 

Since our elementary school days, however, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has since updated dietary recommendations for a healthy eating plate, now promoting MyPlate. The nutrition guide recommends that every plate consists of 40% vegetables, 10% fruits, 20% protein and a small amount of dairy foods. 

That said, what are the best ways to achieve a healthy balanced diet? Let’s explore. 

#1 Eat a Variety of Whole Food Sources

Nutrient-rich whole foods are those that are largely unprocessed and free of chemical agents. They’re packed full of vitamins and minerals your body needs to function optimally. Specifically, consuming a diet rich in whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and lean proteins can help to:

  • Support brain function
  • Reduce your risk of weight-related health problems
  • Support heart health
  • Boost digestive function
  • Aid metabolic health
  • Manage healthy blood sugar levels
  • Nourish your skin

Further, protein sources — like lean meats, dairy, legumes and protein powders — can help stave off hunger and keep you feeling full for longer after a meal. 

#2 Limit Saturated Fats and Sugars

Unhealthy fats and added sugars are prevalent in the Western diet and can greatly deter your health. Such foods include processed and red meats, butter and margarine, fried foods, candy and sugary cereals, pastries and baked goods, salty snacks and ice cream. 

To limit your unhealthy and processed food consumption, opt for alternatives instead. For example, you can replace unhealthy meats with lean protein food sources like chicken, turkey, fish and tofu. In place of butter, substitute olive oil, avocado oil or even Greek Yogurt. Fried foods are best avoided and can be replaced with baked alternatives. 

For example, rather than craving gooey mozzarella sticks in marinara sauce, you can instead opt for a baked caprese salad, with the boost of additional nutrients from the basil and tomato. For those hooked on sugary treats, swap them out for treats made with more natural sweet sources like honey or dates. If a sweet tooth is your issue, find out more tips on how to reduce sugar intake

#3 Hydrate Regularly

Your water intake plays a large role in a balanced diet, as well as good health as a whole. This is because water supports:

  • Digestion
  • Nutrient absorption
  • Blood circulation
  • Saliva production
  • Nutrient transportation
  • Body temperature 
  • Skin health
  • Muscle maintenance

That said, experts recommend that men drink roughly 15.5 cups of water today, and women drink about 11.5 cups daily. 

Achieving your daily water intake can certainly feel like a chore, but you can combat this by:

  • Carrying a reusable water bottle with you throughout the day
  • Setting daily reminders on your phone to drink water
  • Adding a fruity infusion to your water to make it more tempting
  • Consuming water-rich foods, such as cucumber, watermelon, pineapple and oranges
  • Keeping a glass of water by your bedside that you can sip during the night and first thing in the morning

#4 Practice Portion Control

When plating your meal or mapping out your meal planning ideas, it’s important to stay conscious of what and how much you’re eating. To help maintain a healthy weight and ensure your body receives an adequate amount of nutrients, you can:

  • Use smaller plates – To prevent overeating, opt for smaller plates. If you’re still hungry, you can return for seconds. 
  • Use vegetables as a base – While you may want to reach for a spoonful of rice or pasta as the base to your meal, you can substitute more health-conscious carbs, like broccoli, beets, zucchini or brussels sprouts, to infuse your diet with plenty of nutrients that support your overall health. 
  • Prioritize healthy macronutrients – Macronutrients, carbohydrates, healthy fats and protein provide your body with the energy it needs to function properly, and they’re chock full of nutrients. To keep yourself energized and satiated, include healthy carbs like quinoa, oats and sweet potatoes; healthy fats like avocado, oily fish and walnuts; and lean protein like egg, lentils and chicken breast. 

#5 Read Labels

When shopping, it’s common to find processed foods inundated with confusing or unknown ingredients. Taking the time to read labels can help you make informed choices about what you’re putting into your body. 

Look for foods with whole, recognizable ingredients and minimal additives or preservatives. Pay attention to serving sizes, calorie counts and the amounts of sugars, fats and sodium, too. This awareness can guide you in selecting healthy food options that contribute to a balanced diet, ensuring you get the nutrients you need without excesses that can be detrimental to your health.

#6 Listen to Your Body

As you eat, remain aware of how your body reacts to the food you consume and your dietary patterns. 

This practice, called mindful eating, involves paying close attention to your hunger and fullness cues, as well as how different foods make you feel. Notice the flavors, textures and aromas of your meals, and take the time to savor each bite. 

By doing so, you can better recognize when you're satisfied and avoid overeating.

#7 Increase Your Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber, which is found in foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, is a type of food component that the body can’t digest. Accordingly, the nutrients are not broken down and dispersed through the bloodstream. Rather, the fiber passes through the digestive system intact, often helping with digestive issues or an inability to pass bowel movements.

In addition to assisting with bowel and digestion health, fiber can also:

  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • Control blood sugar levels
  • Support a healthy weight
  • Support heart health

Balance Your Diet With INVIGOR8

To maintain a balanced diet and healthy eating patterns, it’s best to opt for nutrient-dense foods that can support your nutritional and overall health goals, from protein foods to fiber-rich foods. 

At INVIGOR8, our Superfood Shake made from our organic superfoods powder offers a convenient, all-in-one meal that includes 20 grams of protein and a bevy of nutrients that support digestion, immunity, brain health and muscle function. These premium protein powder ingredients work to support the healthy eating patterns outlined in this guide. Shop this meal replacement shake in our weight loss kit and also enjoy our unflavored collagen peptides to kickstart your healthy lifestyle today. 

Maintaining a healthy balanced diet isn't the only pillar of wellness you have to consider - physical activity and mental health are just as key to a healthy lifestyle. Find our comprehensive tips on mental health, from journaling benefits to the benefits of meditation, along with our guides to active living, from getting in your daily steps to finding the motivation to workoutat the gym.  

Boost your diet and foster a healthy life today with INVIGOR8.



  1. MyPlate. What is MyPlate?
  2. NHS. 8 tips for healthy eating
  3. Healthline. 21 Reasons to Eat Real Food
  4. ScienceDirect. Western Diet. 
  5. WebMD. 6 Reasons to Drink Water
  6. Healthline. Portion Control. 

About the Author

 Mara Welty
Mara Welty

Mara Welty is a copywriter who specializes in health, wellness and CBD topics. With a background in journalism, she aims to deliver engaging, research-based content that builds trust and engages readers through informative storytelling.

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